Another busy month for all at Focus on Fitness..

Paracycling Road World Cup, Emmen, Netherlands, 30th June to 2nd July

The next round of the Paracyaling World cup was held in Emmen in the Netherlands with Seamus Wall competing again. The format was a TT on Friday and a road race on Saturday. The competition was very strong on this round in the H4 category. Seamus crossed the line in the TT in 29:30, the pace was very strong and he hung on but got lapped on the last lap by the leaders. This was great race experience for Seamus, competing at this high standard and with this level of competition I have no doubt he will see some big improvements.

Jailbreak Triathlon, Cobh

Maggie Murphy and Noel O’Regan took part in this race, the novelty of which is the swim from Spike Island back to Cobh harbour. The bike course is a relatively fast route and is followed by a run around the town of Cobh. Noel finished in 2:10 winning his age group and Maggie finished in 2:32 a great session for both as they are training for Ironman Barcelona in October.

24/7 Letterkenny Triathlon, July 1st

Bernie and Tim Letterkenny check inBernie Mockler and Tim O’Brien traveled up North and took part in the 24/7 Letterkenny Olympic Distance Triathlon. Bad weather on the day made for a tough swim and bike section.

Another race under the belt with Bernie finishing in 03:05:04 and  Tim  03:43:31. They both made the best of it and enjoyed a weekend away. This was great training for both with the upcoming Ironman70.3 Dublin for Tim and Ironman Barcelona for Bernie.

Ironman 70.3 Edinburgh, July 2nd

The inaugural Ironman 70.3 Edinburgh took place this year. Myself, Siobhan Kennedy, Tom Cousins and Tony McMahon lined up to to take part in what turned out to be a tough days racing. In the days leading up to the race much of the bike course was flooded with the amount of rain that had fallen in the 48 hours before the start.

There was an improvement by Saturday afternoon, however Sunday morning was still very windy which led to a shortened swim due to choppy water conditions. This was not ideal for Tom and Tony doing Ironman for the first time.

With everyone out of the water and on the bike it was going to be a tough 90 km with 1000 mtrs of climbing and very windy conditions. The route took us through some scenic Scottish countryside finishing with a loop up around a now Arthur’s Seat in Holyrood Park. Ironman Edinburgh 70.3

The run was 3 loops of an out and back course in the park on a hilly route but very scenic again. I was across the line in 4:50 7th in AG securing a place in the 70.3 World Championship in Tennessee this September. Tom was next with a great time of 5:10 for the first time doing the distance.Siobhan Podium Siobhan had a great race, winning her age group comfortably in 5:52 a great build up to the World Championships in Tennessee. Tony was next in 5:54, with the swim conditions not helping him he finished with a great time for the first time racing the distance.

A great race in a fabulous city but not an easy one!….. that is what Ironman is all about pushing yourself to your limits and getting across the finish line.


Raid PyreneesPyrenees Profile

This is one of my own personal goals, a challenge I would like to complete before the cycling shoes are put into retirement.

Sean Leavey, Ian Kelly and Joe Kelly took on the challenge this year with the support vehicle driven by Micheal Murphy.

The route of the Raid crosses the Pyrenees, starting from the town of Hendaye on the Atlantic Coast, crossing the Pyrenees to Cerbere on the Mediterranean. The route takes you over many of the cols including the Tourmalet, Aubisque, Aspin, Portet d’Aspet and Peyresourde with around 720 km and 11,000 meters of climbing on the route.

The target is to complete the route in 100 hrs. The lads put in some long days training in preparation with back to back days using the best of climbing that we have available to us locally to prepare them for this challenge.

Raid Pyrennes

Each day consisted of between 8-12 hrs on the bike to make the 100 hr cut off on day four. The temperatures were high each day and the climbing relentless as they clocked up the km with some breath taking views. Disaster struck for Sean at the end of day 3 when he came off his bike and injury put him off the bike for the rest of the trip. He traveled on to support the lads for the rest of the trip.

They completed the challenge, and finished within the time limit in what was a very impressive bike ride.

Harbourman, Wicklow Triathlon ClubWicklow Triathlon

A big turnout from Focus on Fitness for this race, held on a beautiful summers day.

Brian Jacob had a great race finishing in 7th place, (2:17) and 1 st in age group, Eamon Ryan next in (2:27) 2nd in age group, followed by Stephen Butler (2:31), Stephen Collins (2:38), Anthony Kirwan (2:39), Ciara McSweeney (2:40) 2nd in age group, Jim O’Brien (2:42), Nigel O’Sullivan (2:44), Maggie Murphy (2:46), James Roche (2:49), Sandra Rellis (3:01), Katie Jacob (3:08), Susan Hayes(3:18), Julie Monaghan(3:19), Paul Rossiter and Fiona Aglim were racing the relay and finished 2nd. Ann Marie O’Keeffe had some mechanical problems on the bike and didn’t get to finish the bike but got back to transition and did the run to make it a good session.

The Mental Edge with  Dr Ciara Losty

This was a follow on from the the workshop that Ciara gave back at the start of the year. This talk was to highlight the importance of mental preparation for training and especially long distance events. Topics covered included the social costs of training, maintaining your motivation to train and race. Ciara discussed a variety of great tools that can be used to re-set and move on.

She had some great motivational quotes with one of my favorites from the night being” You live most of your life inside your head, make sure it’s a nice place to be”

Tribesman Triathlon GalwayTim O'Brien

Tim O’Brien traveled west this weekend to take part in this Olympic distance race, racking up more valuable race experience.

Still working on his swimming he took over 20 min off his previous best time overall for the distance. Consistency in training is paying off with some big improvements in results.

V Graph Kilkenny Triathlon

Eoin KilkennyThis is probably one of the most sociable races in the country, and  when the weather is good with its setting in the grounds of Kilkenny castle you couldn’t be in a better place. The race divided out with seven waves swimming down river, arriving to the park on the grounds of the castle.

Eoin Lyons opened up a big lead in the swim and set the fastest bike to stamp his authority on the race and ultimately winning comfortably in (59:58).

Marcin Mizgajski coming back from injury and making the transition from cycling back to triathlon took 2nd place (1:05:14), John O’Rourke was next taking 4th place with a solid race winning his age group (1:05:59).

John O'Rourke Kilkenny

I finished 6th myself 3rd in age group (1:06), followed by Brian Jacob in 7th place and 3rd in age group (1:07). A great results for Focus on Fitness with 5 places in the top 10 and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th fastest bikes overall.

Darrell Evans was next in (1:11:41), Neil Griffin (1:15:44), Ken Dickenson (1:10), Ger Nolan 1(:26:44), Colin Dunne, (1:30:33), Peter Whelan (1:33:14) taking part in his first triathlon, Siobhan Keating (1:36:22), and Heléne Danigan (1:33:22).

Moby Dick Youghal Aqua-Velo

South Coast Triathlon club organised this  newest type of multi-sport event which involves a 1,500 m swim followed by 27 km bike. This was going to be a race for the serious swimmers to open up a lead and bike hard, with no run it was going to be a race where you can empty yourself on the bike. Focus on Fitness was represented by Don Ryan finishing in 15th place 1:15:14, Stephen Collins in 1:18:24 and Norma Goggin in 1:37:09

Ironman UK BoltonTony Hughes

Anthony Hughes took the on a challenge this year signing up to his 1st Ironman race. Ironman UK is not the easiest of courses but as it is close to home and you can expect similar weather it is a good introduction to full Ironman distance.

Tony put in some great training, all of it alone over the past few months. On the day a steady consistent approach was the plan, he swam 1:24, the bike route was a tough course where Tony biked 6:37 and he ran 4:03 finishing in 12:21:54 which on this tough course was a great time.

Outlaw Ironman Distance UK

Davy OutlawDavy White was next up to do the long distance triathlon. The Outlaw Long Distance Triathlon in  Nottingham is growing to be a very popular long distance race. The swim start in Nottingham’s National Water Sports Centre  opens up proceedings with an early start of 6 am.

The bike is a 3 loop course and back to the lake for the run on a very scenic route.

Davy swam a very controlled 1:21 and was quickly out on the road where he got down to business on the bike covering the 112 miles in 6.08, back to base and out on the run route, he had some trouble keeping down any nutrition but battled on to cross the line in 12:19 recording a PB for the distance. Natalie did a great job providing support on the day to keep him going on the run. Davy was delighted with the race and full of praise for the event.

Fingal 10kmRichie Dublin Fingal 10k

Richie Daly continued on with good success this summer taking part in the Fingal 10 km in Dublin.  Richie running 48:54 set a PB for the distance and is looking forward to the next challenge.

King of the Hill, Kinsale

One of the many races Cork Tri club put on each year this is a tough race but a great location. Aoife Collins took  a break away from the race prep for Ironman Barcelona in October to take part in this race.

Aoife finished in 1:45 after doing a 40km bike before the race start.

Faithlegg 5 mile RaceEimear Mc Sweeny

Eimear McSweeney took part in this mid week run around the grounds of Faithlegg Golf Course. Eimear crossed the line with a solid run in  43:30 on a tough course.

Piltown 10k 28th July

Race 5 in the Carrick on Suir AC summer series was the Piltown 10 km race. Jason Travers ran a ran a solid 38:10 and finishing 9th place overall, Rhona Hayden finished in 48:09 both representing Focus on Fitness on the night.

Try Tyrone 28th – 29th JulyJohn Hayden Tyrone

This is a new race on the calendar, a mixed distance weekend of racing, covering a lot of distances. John Hayden  took the trip up North to take part in the Half Ironman Distance race. It was used as a build up race ahead of the World 70.3 Championships in September.

The swim was in Eskragh Lough, followed by a fast bike course which was to lead to some fast close racing.

John had a great race finishing in 5th place in 4:29 setting a new PB for the distance.

Carrick On Suir Triathlon 30th July

This is another great local race and probably one of the longest running triathlons, now in its 24th year. The race was well represented by Focus on Fitness and Waterford Triathlon Club again this year. A good fast swim and bike course with a new out and back run route on the river bank. Some very heavy showers on the bike section kept everyone cooled down.

I finished in 4th in 1:03:53 winning age group after a great battle with John O’Rourke who finished 7 sec behind in 1:04:00 and 2nd in age group, Brian Jacob was next in 9th place 1:05:41 and 2nd in age group, Darrell Evans 1:10:22, Neil Griffin 1:12:50, Jim O’Brien 1:15:25, Tony McMahon 1:16:21, Ciara Mc Sweeney 1:17:07 4th female after having a puncture on the bike in the last few km’s, Anthony Kirwan 1:18:25, Jim O’Brien 1:21:47, Tom Browne 1:22:16, Fintan Stanley 1:22:18, James Roche 1:22:20, Ann Hennebry 1:22:43 winning her age group, Bernie Mockler 1:22:52, Ger Nolan 1:23:50, Colin Dunne 1:25:10, Katie Ryan 1:32:35, Tim O’Brien 1:33:44, Siobhan Keating 1:33:48, Peter Whelan 1:34:15, Helene Dangin lost her chip in the swim and didn’t get an official time.

ITU, World Triathlon Edmonton, Canada

Ken Dickinson was flying the colours of  Focus on Fitness in Edmonton Canada at the ITU age group sprint race on July 29th. This was a great opportunity to take part at a big race and then to spectate, watching the best in the World in the senior race later in the day.

He had an early swim start at 7 am, it was announced 30 min before the start that it was a non wet-suit swim. Ken settled into the swim, had a slight mechanical problem on the bike he had rented for the event and unfortunately lost his number on the run. He finished well in 1:23 and 5th in AG but was DQ’d due to the lost number. Overall it was a great experience to race in such a prestigious event.

Well done everyone..From Carrick on Suir to Tyrone to Edmonton great to have Focus on Fitness athletes flying the flag.

New gear arrived last week and there are a few pieces left if anyone wants tri-shorts, singlets, polo tshirts or jackets (various sizes).

Give me a call!

Functional Movement Classes are over until the Autumn.

Track continues every Tuesday at 5 pm in the RSC **OPEN TO ALL**


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If you are looking to increase your fitness levels and reach your goals, Martin is the man for you.

David Connolly

The best thing about working with Martin is that he clearly remembers what it was like to start from scratch and because of this he understands what you are going through and is there to support you through it all.

Brian Jacob

I know without a doubt that I would not have achieved a fraction of what I have without Martin’s support and guidance.

Katie Ryan

I have been told at the track that we run so well together it appears like we are one person running.

Amanda Crotty

I heard of Martin through a friend and cannot speak highly enough of the motivation, encouragement and self-belief he has instilled in me.

Tony Hughes

Through Martins personal involvement in my training, observing and tweaking elements as the year went on, my 2015 season consisted of me consistently knocking 7-8 minutes and sometimes more.

Seamus Wall

Whats special about training with Martin is that regardless of how many people he is training he has a massively individual approach and takes into account each persons level of fitness/performance, goals, challenges and balancing training with everyday life.

Kate Nolan

What Focus on Fitness offers is a ‘unique’ package, tailored to individual needs, combining Experience, Knowledge, Commitment, Time and above all Patience!

Siobhán Kennedy

For anyone looking to improve their Running, Cycling or just to get direction and focus in training I have no doubt that with Martin’s help you can achieve your goal.

Ger Nolan

I would recommend anybody to try focus on fitness it’s changed me for the better in so many ways.

Nigel O'Sullivan

I am absolutely delighted to have completed my first Half Ironman, the biggest event I have ever done!

Siobhán Keating

Transitioning from Indoor Cycling to Road Cycling

This is the first week that we can now cycle any where within our county. Is everyone else as excited as I am?? Over the last 3 months, many of us brought our Spring cycling training back indoors due to Covid-19 restrictions. We worked hard on the turbo trainer to keep our fitness levels up,...

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Keeping Motivated

It was great to speak with Ciara Losty, Sports Psychologist, last week to get some advice on getting through this strange time. With the lockdown being extended to May 5th, here are a few simple, but effective tips to help you through this time. Focus on what you can control With so much going on...

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5 Cycle Routes in the South East of Ireland

Looking for a change of scenery for your weekend rides? Sick of the same routes time and time again? I have compiled 5 cycle routes in the South East of Ireland for you to try.

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